Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mya's first Halloween!

Happy Halloween!!
We loved how her hair stuck out the front of the cherry hat!
Look at those monkey toes! This is one Nick took during the day before they came to visit me at work, looks like they were having fun like usual.
I dressed up as Wenda Waldo from "Where's Waldo" for work and won 3rd place! Here's Mya coming to Trick or Treat at my office! Everyone at my office was so excited to see her, especially since I talk about her non stop!
Here we are all dressed up and ready to go! Nick made the perfect nerd, Louie loves his bee costume and Mya was the cutest little cupcake!
Here we are visiting my mom and dad, she did not love that hat but my dad was making her happy enough for a couple pics with it on!
This is at Nick's parents house, she was a little more used to the hat by this time!
Here she is on the ride up to Nick's parents house....so tired! The traffic was a nightmare so it took us awhile to get there!
This is Austin, Bailee, Carter & Sami Mya's cousins, they were so excited to see her. They all looked awesome in their costumes too. Kids are the bomb!
Little Mya.....how cute is she!

 This is a basket Nick's mom put together for her and my mom got her the cute little spider headband! Grandmas are the BEST!
Busy busy Halloween! We made our way around to both families so that everyone could see how cute she looked. You all of a sudden become super popular when there's a cute baby involved!! We had a blast dressing her up, she's so stinkin cute! She was a real trooper the whole night and then had a slight melt down before bed :(. Nick and I had fun dressing up too. Nick's nerd costume was awesome and so fitting. I enjoyed being a Waldo, those books were my favorite when I was little. All I can say is kids really do make everything more fun! We had a great Halloween!!!!!!

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