Friday, September 30, 2011

Gettin big!

This little shirt is one of the cute things you gave her at the hospital. I think the rest of the stuff will fit too so I will take pics when she wears it. She looked so pretty as usual. As I was putting it on I told her all about how it was from you and your parents. I like to think she understands :)

We took a trip to Nick's office today to show her off. Everyone thinks she is so beautiful and they can't get over her hair! She was happy, good and I think she really liked seeing Daddy!

My Mom is babysitting her tonight so that Nick and I can go to the temple. I feel so overwhelmed at all the blessings we have and I can't wait for conference this weekend. It is always one of my favorite times. One of the biggest blessings we have is because of you, thanks for everything. We sure love you!

I am excited to take out all my Halloween deco!! This year going to get pumpkins will be so much more fun with little Mya moo! Of course I also can't wait to dress her up in her cupcake costume....she is going to look so cute. We should be posting lots of festive pics this month because we plan to do lots of fun Halloween activities! Nick and I need to think of some good costumes for us. Fun stuff!! :)

BTW- Nick is the BOMB!!!
Nick is so awesome! He got me Taylor Swift tickets and we went Wed. night!!! We took our two nieces and got to sit in one of the suites for the concert. We had so much fun!!! I LOVE country music and Taylor Swift is one of my favorites. I'm kinda like a little girl! Nick even came and sported a cowboy hat just for me! He is the best husband and the greatest dad. He will do anything to make me happy and I am getting to watch him do the same thing for Mya. She has him wrapped around her tiny little finger!!!! I will try and get a picture from Nick's sister of him in a cowboy doesn't happen often so I'm glad she caught the moment!!!!

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