Sunday, November 13, 2011

Loves eating her toes.....gross but so cute!

She is feeling so much better. All of us have cycled through a nasty cold the last week and a half. She was looking and feeling so much better today and we are very happy. It is really sad to have her sick. With this cold weather I guess it's almost impossible to avoid it. It snowed a lot on Saturday but none of it stuck at least not here in Utah County.
Look at this cute purple binky! We lost it and finally found it under the couch yesterday.
Talk, talk talk that's all she wants to do!
Louie all of a sudden really likes her. Today he sat and licked her head and cheeks for a long time and she just smiles and loves to watch him. We are glad he's finally warming up to her.
Daddy is the one that introduced her to how much fun her toes are to eat. She thought he was pretty funny!
Here she is eating her monkey toes and loving every minute! LOL this was soooo funny!

This is a new rug we just got for her room...she looks so cute on it!

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