Tuesday, November 8, 2011

So thankful for this little angel!

This is Mya getting ready to go to Grandma Jarrett's house. It has been so cold lately so I got to put her cute beanie on. She was so smiley and happy!
When I put her in the swing this day I couldn't believe how much she has grown, she used to take up such a small part of it. Now she takes up the whole thing! Our little girl is gettin big!
My mom bought this outfit for her. She looks so grown up in it and it is nice and warm.
She was the first one ready for church. She sat out and talked herself to sleep!
She has had a cough the past few days and sneezing so she has been sleeping a ton. I think her body is trying really hard to sleep off whatever bug she has. Poor little thing! Other than her cough, sneezing and tiredness she doesn't act sick, she is still happy and good all the time! 
Laying down on Sunday taking a nap with me!
Curious big blue eyes!
So BIG! When I say that to her and spread her arms apart she giggles!!
This picture was taken right after I made her laugh so hard she threw up a ton of milk! We had to strip her down and put some new clothes on. Her laugh is the best thing ever.
Here she is mid sentence. This little one is a talker. For the last couple days she doesn't just talk she screams, not because she is upset she's just figured that she can control the volume in her voice or something. The louder the better, it's so funny!!!

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