Sunday, November 13, 2011

We are not used to all this blue! BOY, BOY, BOY!!!!

We had a family shower for Britt at my Grandma's house in South Jordan on Sat. Here is the gift me and Mya made for baby Cooper! Mya has the girl version of that puppy and some Minnie Mouse PJ's that match Cooper's Mickey ones! They will be so cute together! Mya LOVES her Aunt Brittney!
Here's my mom, my cousin Paige & little Gavin. Gavin LOVES Mya, except for she growled at him and made him cry! It was so funny. Nick was proud, he told her that's what she has to do to boys until she's 30! Dad's are so protective of their little girls!
Cute Britt, she loved the gift from us!
My mom would never let go of her if we let her. Mya is so good at making everyone fall in love with her right away! Nick came to the shower at the end and got some big smiles from Mya. She loves her daddy!
My whole extended family is so in love with her. They were all amazed at how good and beautiful she is. She got lots of love! This is my uncle Scott holding her and my grandpa feeding her some cupcake frosting...which she really loves! We have the greatest families, I love them all so much!
I thought you might want to see Britt's belly gorgeous is she! She is getting to the point where you can see her belly move when he moves it is SO crazy. It reminds me of what you would tell us about Mya kicking your cell off of your belly! I even think she could rest her cereal bowl on there now.
After the shower we went to Nick's parents house and had dinner for his mom's birthday! Mya looked so cute I wish I would have taken the blanket off when I snapped this picture. My mom bought her the cutest little boots, they are white with fur on darling. She had a long day of being LOVED by a lot of people!

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