Monday, November 21, 2011


Here she is being feisty and wanting some food. Glad you got to see her diva side!
Can't even imagine how it must have felt to see her and hold her again. It was really fun to see your face light up when you saw Mya.
You two look darling, so much love!
Check out the difference in your skin tones....this baby looks so white!
You are too cute in this picture!
No words to describe how awesome it felt to see you! Our families fell in love with you just like we did :)
We had so much fun being able to chat with you the other night. We have been looking forward to that for a long time. You look great and sound like you are kicking some major booty in school. Is it cheesy to say we are so proud of you? Oh well we really are, you amaze us! I hope you were able to feel the love that our families have for you and Mya. Sorry that you got so something that would happen to me. Thank you again for taking the time to come and meet our families. We know that you are so busy being back and it meant a lot to us. We are really proud of Mya and it was fun to be able to show you how much she has grown and changed. She is literally the light if our lives, we love this little monkey!!!!! Glad you got to see her smile and hear her cute laugh too. She is such a happy sweet baby. We hope that you know we're here for you if you need anything. Have a great relaxing Thanksgiving vacation. We love you!!!

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