Monday, November 21, 2011

Welcome baby Cooper!!

Cooper's newborn pics!
Little baby Cooper!  
Mya's first time meeting Cooper!
This is right after he came out...look at that cute little cone head!
He has the biggest most full lips....kinda like what we thought Mya might have!
Proud new mommy and daddy! Britt did such a great job!
So happy!!!!!
My first time holding baby Cooper, just minutes after he was born! I love him!!
Baby Cooper decided to come 2 1/2 weeks early!  We were all at my moms on Sunday night for dinner and Britt was having contractions that were anywhere from 3-8 minutes apart and they were bad enough that she couldn't talk while she was having one. My little brother Codie was in charge of taking her blood pressure, when he took it about 7:30 it was well over the limit that the Dr gave her, so they took off to the hospital. I got a call from Britt around 10:00 saying that she was in labor and they would be breaking her water after the doctor delivered another baby! My mom and I went to the hospital at 12:00 but they didn't break her water until 3:00AM. She was able to get her epidural at about 2:30, poor thing she was so scared about that part. They were starting her on pitocin after they broke her water to move things along but the doctor said she wouldn't be able to push for a few hours. My mom and I went home to get some sleep until she could start pushing. The pitocin started making Cooper's heart rate drop a lot so they had to stop it and just let her progress naturally. My mom and I went back to the hospital about 8:00 we got there and about 10 min later she started pushing! She was so awesome through it all, really focused and calm. I was so proud of her!!! She pushed for 18 min and out popped little Cooper. I stood next to her snapping pics and just being totally amazed at what was happening. I can't even believe how cool that experience was. I thought it would be gross but to be honest I wasn't grossed out at all, just in awe! He was 6 lbs 10 oz and 18 inches long. Such a cute little baby. He has fuzzy black hair and dark eyes. He was completely healthy even being early. His hands and feet are giant, they are bigger than Mya's right now, it made us laugh pretty hard to compare them this afternoon. No one believed me when I said they were bigger than Mya's.....ha ha I was right! It was so weird to hold him, I thought Mya was small but it took me back to when she was that little. It's cool to see how far she's come now she loves to smile, laugh and squirms all over the place. We love her so much she is perfect!! Babies are incredible and make it hard not to believe in God and miracles. What an amazing day we had today. I skipped out on work today since I was running on a couple hours of sleep, which if you know me at all you know that's not good! I drank a monster this morning and then when I got home Nick was so nice and let me take a nap. After that we took Mya to see her new partner in crime...she wasn't so interested in him but she loved the lights in the hospital, lol. I know they are going to be great little buddies! The nurse was telling us that they had a couple of adoptions happening today, I could barley hold in the tears. We will never forget the day we walked into McKay Dee Hospital knowing we would be bringing Mya home, I have never experienced a feeling like that in my life. It was very bittersweet knowing that you must be experiencing such deep pain that we can't and won't ever understand. We felt the very deepest sense of gratitude for you and the sacrifice you were making. Thank you so much Amy, we love you!

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