Tuesday, November 8, 2011

National Adoption Month

White ribbon stands for adoption awareness.....just found that out!

 This is Mya with my cousin Deja
Here she is with my cousin's Deja and Ambree, they are sisters. Gavin is about 6 weeks older that Mya. (He is Ambree's son) This was the first time they had all met. 

Deja is one of my best friends, she lives in Louisiana with her hubby right now and runs a blind program at Louisiana Tech. so I don't get to see her much. She came into town for a few days and we drove to West Valley Sunday to see her. She has been dying to meet Mya. We have been through a lot of the same stuff so we just really get each other, she is quite amazing! Deja and her hubby may be headed down the same path that lead us to adoption. I am so thankful that we have had such an amazing experience with you and Mya. Nick and I both feel like we want to be a positive voice for adoption because it really has been the greatest thing we have ever done. I am thankful that we can try and maybe help others to see that it's a great option.  We believe that it is such a major part of Heavenly Father's plan and at this point we feel blessed to have it a part of our plan. It was good to see my cousin and tell her how amazing you and Mya are. Thank you so much once again for all that you have done for us. We don't know what we would do without you two. You have made us into very big fans of adoption.

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