Wednesday, May 30, 2012

An awesome visit!

 Everyone keeps complementing her tan from our vacations. In this picture I am thinking hmmm what tan! :)
Look how cute you two are!
Mya will be beautiful when she grows up if she looks anything like you!
It was so great to see you!
I feel like Mya makes this same face all the time!
Oh my goodness you are to die for cute!! You look so much like little Mya it is darling!!!
Your hair in these pics is my favorite! I love your hair just as much then as I do now!
Today Mya was 10 months old. It is so crazy to think how fast time has flown by! You are already done with a full year of school and headed to West Point and Mya is talking and crawling!!  We are getting ready to go through this whole process again once Mya turns 1. She needs some siblings, she will be a great, sweet oldest sister.....just like I always was ;) jk It was so fun to have you come and see us. We know it's a long drive and we appreciate you making the trip down. You make sure to let us know if you ever want us to come up your way, we will in a heartbeat! Tell your mom thanks again for that sweet angel she gave us, those are my favorite and it meant a lot! We think about you and your family all the time. We love you!!!

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