Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Food, food and more food!

Mmmmmm popcorn!
We gave her popcorn for the first time on Sunday and I am not kidding she went crazy! I think we could have given her the whole bowl and she would have ate it all herself!
So cute she was just feeding herself before church!
Here she is with ham fried rice, she loves that too!
Another one of her favorite foods is cheese! This girl would eat cheese all the time if I let her.
After she eats cheese we find it everywhere, it's usually stuck to her body and under her little fat rolls under her chin.
This girl loves her food!
This is what happens when Grandma gives her licorice
She LOVED it. I tried to take it from her and I don't think I have seen her throw that bad of a tantrum....ever.
Grandma gave her the licorice before we left to go to the cemetery on Memorial Day. This picture is what I found when I opened the door to get her out. She had red EVERYWHERE including on her legs and between her toes. This picture doesn't do the mess she made justice! It probably took 12 wipes to get her all cleaned off. That night I had to really scrub her toes in the bath cause they were still red. We laughed so hard I was crying!

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