Thursday, May 17, 2012


Getting ready to go to Cali for Ashley's (Nick's sister) graduation. She graduated from Sonoma State May 12.
Doesn't she look so dang cute!
Here's Mya in the hotel room!

We went to this amazing beach called Bodega Bay...where the Alfred Hitchcock movie "The Birds" was filmed.
This beach was so beautiful and the weather was great!
We had to hike down to the beach, there were big rock cliffs all around it was so awesome!
This was taken from the parking lot before we hiked down.
Mya and Grandma have so much fun together!
Here we are on the beach.....too bad the water was so cold, it made me wanna swim!
This is Nick's favorite picture, and Mya's favorite thing to do!
Mya's favorite part of the vacation just may have been swimming! She was so cute in the water and she loved it!
She had a constant smile the whole time!
She was kicking and was so cute!
Splash, Splash!!

She also kept dipping her face in the water trying to drink it like a dog!
These two are so cute!!! I love them both!!

Mya had so much fun with Bailee at the graduation. Bailee was able to keep her entertained almost the entire 3 hours that we were there! Thank heavens for her, she is a wonderful cousin to Mya!
Sonoma State's campus is so beautiful. Graduation was outside so we just walked Mya around and hung in the shade. It was a lot of fun! She even got to see some ducks in the lake!
This is a big lake on the campus.
Nick, Tiff and Ashley! This made Nick so excited to graduate this fall!
We had a blast in California with Nick's family!!! It was great to see Ashley and be able to be there for her big day of graduation! I got my first pedicure...which I loved! Mya got to ride on a plane again which I was so nervous about since our Hawaii plane ride wasn't much fun! But she did great both ways she just played and slept on our laps. I take every chance I can get for her to snuggle up with me and fall asleep....cause she is so crazy it doesn't happen much! Holding her sleeping little bum on the plane was one of my favorite parts of the trip! Mya just sort of rolls with whatever, she got way off her schedule but she had so much fun she didn't even notice. We took her in the pool for the first time and she was a blast! We ate at a ton of different local places, they had great food! Nick's family is always fun to vacation with. They are always happy and we do lots of new things that I have never done before...we love it! We don't get to see Ashley much either and so that was fun to be able to spend some time with her. We're hoping she'll move back to Utah for awhile. Oh yeah Mya even came home with a little tan, she has such beautiful skin! All in all Cali was a blast!! Mya is getting 2 teeth right now which will make 8 teeth so she has not been the happiest baby this week and here we go again today to St George for the weekend with Brittney Derek and Cooper.....hopefully she does ok! I think we will pretty much live in the pool which will make her happy :)

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