Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A visit to great Grandma & Grandpa's

There are 4 generations in this picture. I thought that was pretty cool!
Her and my mom had such a great time with the babies!
Mya loves the way the grass feels on her toes!
Here she is with my Grandpa
Mya and Cooper playing on the grass.
Oh dear...she loves grabbing his face.

This is my mom's mom and dad. They live in South Jordan not too far from Nick's parents house. We took the babies up there to see them last Sunday and they had a blast! W found out Cooper is allergic to the grass and came home covered in a was pretty sad!  My grandparents are the ones that have a condo in St George that we all love to go down and stay in. That's where we are going this weekend. They are the cutest most active couple ever. They're hilarious!

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