Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A walk to Bridal Veil Falls

This is a little overlook of the Bridal Veil Falls waterfall. Britt and I took the babies on a 6 mile walk to this. We started at the bottom of the canyon and went on the trail all the way up! It was so much fun, the babies loved being outside.
Here's Mya & Cooper chillin by the waterfall! Cooper is sleeping and of course Mya is checking everything out. She is always a curious little girl!

I love going on walks with Mya, she loves being outside!
I love spending time with Britt, we always have so much fun! We are seriously goof balls and we just laugh at each other for all the stupid things we do! :) She is my BFF!
I know this is a weird picture and  you can't even tell that there this is a steep hill off the paved trail.....but there is a story that goes along. We had one of the scariest experiences of our lives right here!

Ok so at the risk of sounding like an idiot I am going to tell you what happened on our way back from Bridal Veil Falls. We were going along about half way back talking about the good times and bad times of being new mommy's. How hard it is to know what to do all the time and how scary the world is getting. Brittney is deathly afraid of bees and bugs. We walked through a part where there were bees everywhere she had 3 bees on her and that wouldn't leave so we started running to try and get away from them. Well in the midst of running Britt's front stroller wheel started going all weird and she ended up letting go of the stroller to swat a bee. I was watching this from beside her so I screamed at her because the stroller was going weird and I could tell it was going to go off the edge of the trail.....and it did. So I went to go grab the stroller for her and while doing that I tipped Mya over.....yeah not good. Luckily for Mya she was strapped in and I had a cover over the front so she pretty much stayed put just tipped. Brittney in the meantime has jumped over the edge and is going down the little hill with Cooper's stroller because it is all gravel and hard to walk on without slipping. She was yelling for help so I picked myself up off the ground flipped Mya's stroller upright and jumped down the hill to help Britt and Cooper. I was able to lean up against a tree pick his stroller up and lift it to Britt after she had climbed back onto the trail. I had so much adrenaline I felt like the hulk! Then I jumped back up because Mya was crying, I had scared her pretty bad......poor little thing! I got her out of her stroller and gave her a big hug and she immediately stopped crying. We got Cooper out and he also stopped crying once Britt was holding him, he had a few scratches but that was it.  I was so glad that they were both strapped in and had covers over them for Cooper it really saved him from what could have been an awful accident. We stayed there for a few minutes and just hugged the babies and was really scary! Poor Britt she felt so horrible. I guess this is all part of being a new mommy. Not the first time I have done something stupid and most likely not the last. But man in the moment it made me realize that there is nothing I wouldn't do for those babies. Also I have always thought I would be a mess in crisis, but I really wasn't I was able to focus and help before I fell apart. We were pretty shaken up and still had about 2 miles to go back down to our car. We jogged most of the way just to get out of there! I think we must have had some angels with us that day :) Nick claims I always have to use my guardian angels cause I am accident prone, they are probably really tired from saving my butt all the time! Both babies are fine and we have been back up on the trail. We are more careful and I think either of us at this point would take a million bee stings before allowing our fears to potentially hurt our babies!

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