Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Catch up.....

She loved playing with this giant flower on her outfit! She's ready to drive away!

Getting ready to crawl!

Naked Mya....her little bum is so cute we had to get some pics after bubble bath time!

Mya and cousin Bailee!!

Keys...she loves keys! If she gets unhappy give her a set of keys and she will be entertained for awhile!

We have 3 family birthdays on Nick's side in April so this is Mya sitting with Bailee at our Jarrett family April birthday bash!! She loves hanging with her cousins.

She looks like she needs to go back to Hawaii with this little dress!

Here she is holding her food in her mouth....sometimes she just holds it there and lets it leak out instead of swollowing.

Here is her new pool, it was too cold the day I got it to put her outside so we just played with it inside the house. She had a blast!

Lol I love when we catch her making silly faces! We got a good laugh over this one!

Our new favorite picture!
Bath time is still a afavorite activity for her! Thank heavens she is such a water baby, that is the one thing I really wanted my kids to be ok with is the water!

This is a little car that Nick's mom bought for her, she loves it.

Look at her walk with the little car....she is getting so strong!

Since her 9 month update I gave you this little monkey is already changing so much more. She now has 6 teeth and 1 more on the way. I honestly can't believe how fast her teeth are coming in. She is pretty miserable right now. I have never seen her this moody's sad. Nick and I are both pretty wiped out by the end of the day, she is too! She is also now crawling on her hands and knees. She can only go a few steps and then she gets frusterated cause she wants to stand. Yesterday she pulled herself from sitting to standing up against the couch by herself! It is truly amazing how fast she learns things. Her new thing is she points and says "whats that" or "whats this" it is so funny cause she has a major lisp. I wondered how she learned that until I stared hearing myself talk to her, we always put things in front of her and say "whats this" and then we tell her what it is. I think it's funny because she has always been so curious....since the time she was born according to you. It fits perfectly that her first phrase would be a curious question. She is awesome!

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