Sunday, May 13, 2012

A dream come true

Today I am grateful for the many Mothers in my life....

My Mom - she is the kindest most loving person I know. I was lucky to have her raise me and be such a great example to follow cause I think she is one of this worlds most amazing mothers. She is the BEST Grandma to Mya and we love her so much.

Nick's Mom - Nick is the sweetest, most patient man I have ever met. He is a wonderful loving husband and the greatest daddy to Mya. Just being around him proves what an awesome mom he had. She is always thinking of us and does so much. Mya loves her to death and so do we.

Your Mom - We look at you, what you have been through, what you are doing now and I know you wouldn't be there without your wonderful mommy! We love her for the way that she raised you....she has to be pretty amazing! 

Your Birth Mom - We are grateful for a tough selfless decision that was made 19 years ago when she placed you in such a wonderful home. 

You! - You are so young and have been through so much already in life and yet you are so strong and faithful. We will always admire your strength and courage. Without you we wouldn't have the most precious thing in our lives...Mya. We love her more and more everyday Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for giving us something so special. 

Last of all I am sooooooooooooooooooo thankful today to be a mommy! Honestly I have said it a million times in my head today. I am a mom, I am a I can't believe I can say that! I am not sure my brain has been able to fully comprehend it yet. I have sat a lot today and just thought quietly about how blessed I am to have this opportunity. I remember the pain that came with waiting what seemed like an eternity. But the wait is over, my time to be a mom is finally here and I know that Heavenly Father had this plan from the beginning.  Becoming a mom through adoption has been an incredible experience, I wouldn't wish for anything different.  I also spent some time thinking about all the people who are still waiting and wanting this very blessing. I think I must have said a million silent prayers today for those people. So many of them are good friends and family. How did we get so lucky to have the BEST baby and the BEST birth mom ever! The smiles, laughs, hugs and kisses from Mya make even the hardest times worth it. Being a mom for me is truly a dream come true. Thank you for being a part of that!

Happy Mothers Day!!

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