Monday, October 29, 2012

15 months!

Can you even believe our sweet little baby girl is 15 months old! I don't know about you but it seems like yesterday we went to the hospital where you had her to pick her up! Man we love you both so much!

Look how much I've grown!
Age: 15 Months
Date: 10/24/2012
Weight: 20 lbs 13 oz (19%)
Length: 30" (36%)
Head Circ: 48 cm (94%)  

She is as healthy as can be! All the doctors and nurses fell in love with her. She was so good until we came to the shots! I don't think I will ever get used to that part. Her face turns purple and she has this silent open mouth look that you know is going to be a loud scream once she gets it out!  She looks at me like help me......heartbreaking :( We are so glad that she is a healthy happy girl! Our lives would never be the same without her!! 

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