Monday, October 15, 2012

She's ready for Halloween!

Here she is so happy because she got my eye makeup out and I was laughing so hard I didn't stop her. Usually I don't let her play with this so she's having a hay day! The look on her face was so funny!

She is very proud of herself because I am laughing so hard. I'm surprised I was able to stop long enough to get some good pics!
She does a perfect witch face :)
I love that little bum!
She is so funny now when I am getting her ready to take a bath. I was filling the tub turned around and here she comes walking in the bathroom naked with my witch hat Just another one of those moments when I had to run out and grab my camera to capture this. She feels like a free woman when she's nude and it's hilarious! I have to say she makes a pretty darn cute witch!

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