Monday, October 8, 2012

Doing what we love!

This was a sad day, I think her teeth had been bothering her. When I put her down for her nap she was just screaming and she rarely ever does that so I knew something was wrong. I felt so bad for her I held her until she fell asleep in my lap on the couch then I carefully slid her off my lap and let her sleep. So cute!
I am going to be a witch for Halloween and Mya likes playing with my hat.
She takes it on and off. Mya loves it when I put it on myself too, it makes her laugh and give me weird looks!
Then of course when I want to get a picture of her she will not for anything keep the darn witch hat on. Here is a small look at the fit she threw when I tried to make her wear it! Sassy!
Oh yeah she can totally work my phone! She loves to play games on there already and sometimes sends random text messages :)
Lounging in my lap listening to Dad read stories before bed.
We have this great bedtime routine that we do with her every night. First we get pj's on. Then we let her pick the first book to read. After we read five or six books we say a prayer, she is even learning how to fold her arms, close her eyes and bow her head. We do a big group hug and then she goes in her crib. Once she is in her crib we sing "pajama time" while she wiggles and dances in her crib with a big smile the whole time! Then she gets lots of kisses from Nick, Louie and I and it's lights out. She has a little lady bug that projects stars on the ceiling and we turn the children's hymn CD for her.  We don't usually hear another peep from her until the next morning! Those are some of the best moments we spend with her.
Out in the front yard holding golf balls, while playing with Dad!
She loved playing with these.
Nick LOVES to golf so this made him one proud papa!
She loved chasing the balls and then taking them back to Nick.
She loves hanging with Grandma. and of course wearing her glasses.
New toys that Grandma bought for her drawer cause she cleaned out some of th e"baby baby" ones. Sad.......she's growing out of her baby toys. :(
Here she is loving her baby! She loves that baby has a hat and this little doll has been with her pretty much non stop since she got her. She rocks her, says shh shh shh, and tries to feed her. Oh yeah and you can tell how much we kiss this little girl cause her baby is constantly getting kisses. Mmmwaaaa is what she says XOXO!  See she is going to make the best big sister in the world!

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