Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

We went to Nick's work to trick or treat! Mya got way too much candy!
Then we went to see Grandma Young who had yet another bag of treats and surprises for her!
She was excited to strut her stuff in this duck costume! Cutest little duck ever!!!!

Here's Cooper...he was a pretty cute little monster!
Britt was a cupcake! So cute!

Here's my brother Brady's little boy Kyson, he was a dragon and a very cute one at that!

Back home to see Grandma Jarrett, oh yes another bag of goodies. She's got a sucker in one hand and a cheese stick in the other!
She was up till almost 10:30 that night sooooo sugared up! She was running everywhere chasing Louie, laughing. We figured a kid needs at least one night a year when they get all sugared up right? I know she enjoyed it!
Another fun Halloween! Mya was a doll as usual, it was fun to show her off in her darling duck costume and even cuter to see how much she loved wearing it.

Happy Halloween!!!!

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