Friday, October 12, 2012

Thinking of you...


Today I went to the adoption orientation. I sat there and thought about how we were sitting in that exact same orientation almost exactly 2 years ago. I wasn't sure how it was going to be or how I was going to feel. I left the last orientation in tears thinking there was no way I could handle adopting a baby. I thought is was going to be too hard and I wasn't strong enough. I am so glad that we listened to the spirit and put our fears behind us. Now almost a year and a half later we have the most precious little girl and we're ready to do it all again! I was the only one in the meeting today who had been though the process. I got to talk... well I would say brag about you a lot! I couldn't let the day pass without telling you how thankful I am for you and that I absolutely love you to death! You mean so much to us, to think we have Mya because of you is pretty awesome! You made so many of my fears about adoption leave, my faith in the process is stronger than ever. Thank you for making our adoption journey such a great one. I know Mya will be such an amazing big sister and we are excited to get this all going again! Thank you for everything!!


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