Monday, October 8, 2012

Our little nudest!

This is what happens when the clothes get stripped for bath time and I turn my back. She's outa there!
Lol she always looks so cute! I was smart this time and grabbed the camera to catch her in the act! Look at that cute little bum!
At this point she is trying to run from me and laughing while doing so!  She is one crazy little girl who loves to be in the nude! lol :)
This is what she was running to, she wanted her hippo balls in the tub with her!
I wasn't fast enough to catch her hair while it was all the way standing is getting so long!
Bath time is so much fin!
Nick is teaching her how to do tricks with her tongue so she likes to stick it out all the time now!
Everything really is an adventure with her, even bath time! :)

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