Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Chuck E Cheese!!

We came to Chuck E Cheese for Sami's 6th birthday party. Mya has a blast! She loves her Aunt's, Uncle's and Cousins!!
Playing with Uncle Brandon and Cousin Bailee!
Coveting Austin's drink, wishing she could take it from him. Here water seems so boring compared to all the bubbly soda everyone else has. :)
She loves to dip her food, here is her face covered in ranch dressing from her dipping celery in the sauce!

She looks so big. This is all going by way too fast!

This is one of my favorite faces she makes, yay I caught it on camera!
Mya and Sami riding in the big monster truck.
Nick's mom said "oh look at those cute little rednecks!" Lol it made me laugh!
They had a game where you could punch the ducks....kind of sad but fun! Mya loved pushing the button to punch the duckies! Plus she just loves ducks!

Driving away...as she was saying the whole time "vroom vroom" So smart!
I have to say this is the most fun I have ever had at this place. Watching her face light up at everything we tried was priceless! We love this little girl!!!!!!

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