Monday, October 15, 2012

Oh so cute!

She loves playing with Grandma's giant exercise ball! I sit her on my lap and bounce, she laughs and screams it's so funny!

Silly little thing, I get lots of these funny face pictures too she is such a goofy girl!
I can't get over how big she looks in these I feel like she's looking much more like a toddler than a baby! It makes me want to cry! But she is getting to be pretty fun, her personality is so great and funny. Pretty sure we couldn't love her more than we do!
We took her out to dinner this night and everyone at the restaurant loved her. she had an audience as she was dipping everything we gave her in ranch, she had a nice ranch beard.
These are her favorite boots. She always gets them from her room, brings them to me and says "boots on" She is not as good at walking in them but she tries so hard!
She loves to play in her closet with all of her hair accessories. She still puts bracelets on her ankles and today she was putting all her headbands around her leg. :) So cute!
She gets so deep in thought and focused it's hilarious!

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