Monday, October 29, 2012

Ward Halloween Party

Mya was so cute, the second I put her tights on she kept grabbing her foot smiling saying "a duck a duck" She was soooo exited to wear her costume!
This is Nick, Mya and Grandpa Jarrett. Nick was his dad "Dr. Jarrett the OBGYN" for this party! The ward got a great kick out of it. Especially since there are several women in the ward that Nick's dad had delivered their babies! :) Don't they look so similar! Nick's mom kept thinking Nick was his dad from behind and Nick being the nerd he is yelled to her one of the times  "don't be making any moves on me mom!" That got her pretty embarrassed!
You just have to see her waddle around in this costume it is so dang cute!
She LOVED wearing this even the hat,if it came off she would ask me to put it back on! She is the best! It made my day to see her in this little costume, she is such  a sweetie!
Trunk or treating for the first time! The first car gave away little rubber perfect is that, Mya was very happy!
Stuffing her face with nerds...they are her favorite!

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