Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mama's girl

Right now Mya is such a mama's girl! She is usually not like this with anyone. She even denies Nick a lot, it makes him so sad. I know it's just a phase and I am trying to love it as much as I can while it lasts cause I know it won't last forever! I think the reason is because she is getting 4 canine teeth right now, 2 are almost all the way in and the other 2 have just started. These teeth are the worst! By time these are in, this little 14 month old baby girl will have 16 teeth!!! My friend has an 18 month old baby with only 2 teeth. It's crazy and I can tell they are really bothering her. We do a lot of snugging on the couch after she wakes up early from her naps. I can't wait until these teeth are in and done and naps and sleep can go back to normal! I think it is even making her a little divaish......I like to blame that on the teeth anyway :) I love her so much diva or not she is my favorite thing in the world!

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