Wednesday, October 3, 2012

How cute is she!

She really loves this table!

She loves Louie, she calls him "La". He loves to lick her and it makes her giggle like crazy. She is such a dog loving girl, just like her dad.
Here's this silly face thing again......SO CUTE!!!

This is her giving me a look like hey mom look at me I am doing something I'm not supposed to do! We don't let her stand on her chairs because when she does she falls off, gets hurt and cries. Lol you think she would remember that's why she shouldn't do that. :)
She is so smart! She will sit and organize her hair stuff or earrings into pairs that are matches.. It is so funny to watch her do this.
She likes to hang out in her room and play. She draws on her mini chalkboard and plays with her puzzle. She also really loves to go through her hair stuff like I said before and organize them! She was taking a little snack break to eat some string cheese.
She is so good at eating things with her spoon and fork. She will eat more if I let her do it herself! :)
Grandma Jarrett gave her these curlers and we've been playing with them in her hair, even though it's already curly these make it cute too! She likes putting them in my hair!
Here is her attitude face.....this girl's got an attitude that rivals mine! Ahhh poor Nick!
This is what she does when she wants to ignore me...closes her eyes and pretends I'm not talking to her.

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