Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Random fun!!

She loves getting on our bed and playing in all the pillows and blankets. She gets laughing so hard it's pretty funny! Sometimes even Louie joins the fun!

On October 28, 1979 my mom and dad went to the hospital to have their first baby. That day my sister April was stillborn. Every year we let balloons go for her birthday. Mya helped me this year. I have always wished I had a big sister here and I am so excited our sweet little girl will get to be a big sister someday.
Happy Birthday April, we love you!
After she had these on for about 10 minutes it was really cracking me up so I grabbed the camera. She was just roaming around the house with her glasses on and her soccer ball. She is always so cute!

She is adorable with this baby! Here she is hugging and rocking the baby, telling her shh, shh, shh!
Ahhh those are some big beautiful eyes! If you notice her eyelashes are getting so dark and long they are gorgeous!
Here is the shirt you guys sent her for her birthday! The pants are still too big but this shirt looks so perfect on her!
Typical Mya face! This face gets lots of laughs from a lot of people! The guy at the bank told me the other day that he actually went home and told his wife about the cutest baby that came in the store and gave him the scrunch nose dirty look! Lol that's my girl!

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