Monday, October 8, 2012

We love Fall!

For the last session of conference on Saturday we took a drive up the canyon and listened to it on the radio. It was beautiful, chilly but so pretty! The colors in these pictures just don't do it justice. We live in such a gorgeous state and I know that I take it for granted all the time. Because we had such a dry summer I didn't think we would have such pretty leaves this fall but they have been awesome! We saw a little chipmunk when we were walking. We drove up to Snowbird and walked around a bit but it was really cold so we didn't want Mya to be out very long. Fall is for sure one of my most favorite seasons. Conference was amazing as usual. The talks were beautiful and inspired, once again they  made me want to be a better person especially since I have a daughter to teach and be an example for. I was grateful throughout the entire thing as I thought of all the conferences I had watched in the past hoping and praying for answers, peace and healing as I waited to have my most fervent prayer have a baby!  I feel so blessed every single time I look at Mya. I love the gospel and I know it's true!


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