Friday, September 30, 2011

Gettin big!

This little shirt is one of the cute things you gave her at the hospital. I think the rest of the stuff will fit too so I will take pics when she wears it. She looked so pretty as usual. As I was putting it on I told her all about how it was from you and your parents. I like to think she understands :)

We took a trip to Nick's office today to show her off. Everyone thinks she is so beautiful and they can't get over her hair! She was happy, good and I think she really liked seeing Daddy!

My Mom is babysitting her tonight so that Nick and I can go to the temple. I feel so overwhelmed at all the blessings we have and I can't wait for conference this weekend. It is always one of my favorite times. One of the biggest blessings we have is because of you, thanks for everything. We sure love you!

I am excited to take out all my Halloween deco!! This year going to get pumpkins will be so much more fun with little Mya moo! Of course I also can't wait to dress her up in her cupcake costume....she is going to look so cute. We should be posting lots of festive pics this month because we plan to do lots of fun Halloween activities! Nick and I need to think of some good costumes for us. Fun stuff!! :)

BTW- Nick is the BOMB!!!
Nick is so awesome! He got me Taylor Swift tickets and we went Wed. night!!! We took our two nieces and got to sit in one of the suites for the concert. We had so much fun!!! I LOVE country music and Taylor Swift is one of my favorites. I'm kinda like a little girl! Nick even came and sported a cowboy hat just for me! He is the best husband and the greatest dad. He will do anything to make me happy and I am getting to watch him do the same thing for Mya. She has him wrapped around her tiny little finger!!!! I will try and get a picture from Nick's sister of him in a cowboy doesn't happen often so I'm glad she caught the moment!!!!

Bubble gum.....

Here is Mya taking her first taste of something other than milk.....bubble gum medicine! The Dr had us give this to her for her sore legs after she got those shots! It was so cute she actually likes it. Thank heavens she is feeling better now. These pics were too cute not to share. She is such a funny little girl, we love her so much!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Happy day!!!!

Doesn't she look so cute!
Life is so hard when you're this beautiful!
Look at her wild morning hair!
These last two pics are from this morning. I woke up about 6:30 and just kept waiting to hear her cry to let me know she was up and ready for the day. About 7:15 I got up because I was nervous that she hadn't made any noise yet. I went in her room and there she was just looking around and talking to herself having a great time! It was so cute I had to pull out the camera! She had wiggled herself right out of her pj's and was just chillin with the blanket wrapped around her bottom half! As soon as she saw me she started smiling and talking louder! Nick and I thought it was the cutest funniest thing ever! She is such a good baby!!!! What a great way to start the day walking in and looking at her smiling little face. :)

P.S - Isn't the Halloween background awesome! 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Look how much she has grown!

 I can't even believe how much she has grown! I had so many memories flood back when I put this dress on her. I'll be honest it made me cry! She looks so beautiful in it and I went right back to that day when we picked her up from the hospital, so tiny and new! We were amazed when we saw her. She was so pretty and it is crazy she just keeps getting prettier every day! Oh we love this little girl so much there are absolutely so words! She is the light of our lives. Funny thing I actually couldn't keep this dress on longer than for pictures because her arms are so chunky and the sleeves are too tight so it felt like it was cutting off her circulation. I am going to have my mom try and fix the sleeves so she can wear it again. This is a very special dress and it makes me smile so big to look at her in it. It reminds us of you and what you have done for us. THANK YOU sweetie, we sure love ya! 

2 month Dr visit...
Mya went to the Dr today. Oh my goodness it was a sad visit she had to get those darn shots! I almost felt like punching the nurse....(don't worry I didn't, I know it's not her fault!) Next shot visit is all Dad's, that sucked!!!!!!! On a good note the Dr says she looks great and healthy! We are going to give her a nice warm bath tonight and massage her legs cause the Dr said they will be sore from the shots :( She was the bomb though she only cried for a minute and then passed out asleep. Sweet little thing!
Stats at 2 months 
Weight: 10 lbs 12 oz (46 percentile)
Height: 22 inches (32 percentile)
Head Size: 40.1 cm (80 percentile)
Trying to make her little legs feel better in the warm bath
Those band aids are where she got her shots :(

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Woo hoo 8 hours baby!

I know this bow is about as big as her head! But it looks so cute on her!
She is learning how to hit the butterflies so they move and rattle!
Happy, happy baby!

Just so you know she hit her 8 hour mark for sleeping on Thursday night!!!!!  Once she starts going that long once it will start to become more frequent! This is huge!!! She is such a great baby. We are so proud of her, she is a quick learner. I must say we are also a little proud of ourselves for being able to teach her how to do this! Yay being a parent is pretty cool when you see that something you are trying to teach is working. I'm sure that will get harder the older she gets so we'll eat it all up now while we can!

Wild hair and a binky destroyer!

Look at this hair!!!!! This is right after we gave her a bath last night! LOL it is so stinkin cute! I got this new scrubber brush for her head, she loved it!!! Honestly she would never get out of the bath if we didn't make her. She is a bubble bath girl!

The binky destroyer!
So this is what we found when we came home......chewed up binky! But who could have done that?
Hmmm is that green binky coming out of Louie's mouth. He needs to learn to ditch the evidence! Good thing Mya is not old enough to see this, she would be pretty ticked she loves those binky's! Don't worry we are prepared and have some extras just in case something like this were to happen. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lots of cute pics!

She thinks we are pretty funny sometimes!
Smiling and trying to do her tongue trick with Daddy!
Paislee cannot get enough of Mya.
Beautiful blue eyed girl!
Oh look at Daddy getting in to help scrub little cute!
Still LOVES the tub!
Helping mommy with laundry! Best laundry day ever!!!
Mya & Grover. I used to have a Grover when I was little that I took everywhere!
Just lounging looking pretty!
Doesn't she look so cute!!!!
She loves to sleep just like me!! :)
Our friend just brought this over today...the picture doesn't do it justice. It is so cute and soft!
Okay I know that was like a million pics but I had to include them all! I was pretty sure you wouldn't mind;) We had another big moment the other night. Mya has been consistently sleeping for 6 hours at night for over a week. The other night she really kicked some booty and slept 7 1/2 hours!!!!!!!!!! We were so proud of her. It is so fun that she is being a good sleeper, it makes her such a happy baby! We think it won't be too long before she is sleeping 8 hours a night.....oh my gosh! Not only that but she is also still sleeping in her bedroom in the crib. She is a pro!  

I am almost done with her room and then I can send some pics. All I need to do is finish painting the shelf that my Mom made for her. We just bought her a picture of the temple and Joseph Smith to put in there too. She loves being in her room, it is sweet. 

 She has been joining in for family scriptures and prayers every night...well ya know as much as she can. It's usually about her feeding time so she likes to burp a lot while Nick is reading and it makes me laugh! She makes everything more fun!

She will have her 2 month doctors appointment on Monday. I am excited to see how much she weighs. She has been drooling like crazy and eating her fists.....she can't be teething yet right?  I am gonna ask him about that too. Her face looks awesome no more red bumps and cracked skin from eczema. We have been really careful what we expose her skin too since that whole problem arose. This appointment she has to get shots...oh no I wish Nick could come with me! :( 

Well once again sweetie we miss you! Thanksgiving will be here before we know it and I can't wait for you to see Mya. You might want to try and smuggle her back to school with you, she is that cute! :) We are thinking about you and I will give some extra kisses to Mya today from you. 


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Daddy's girl for sure!

Wow I love this little girl! The best part of my day is when I come home from school or work and Mya gives me a big smile! It has been so hard to go back to work! I have a picture of Mya on my computer desktop at work and I waste most of my day just staring at it, I probably read this blog more than you do because I miss my little girl all day. I can't wait until I get to be home with her all the time, although I'm sad for Tiff because I know how hard it is. Last night Mya fell asleep in my arms, which is the first time she has done that since she was brand new (I guess I'm not comfortable). I didn't want to move because she was so cute. She kept smiling so big in her sleep, adorable! It is really weird because when Mya is sleeping she won't wake up if she hears Tiff, but every time I talk she wakes up. It makes me feel good, but it is also bad because Tiff gets mad at me for waking her up. Thank you so much Amy for what you have done for us. I don't remember what life was like without Mya, and I don't want to!

Monday, September 19, 2011


Mya's first authentic Hawaiian dress! My mom said they looked until they found a purple one, since we all know you love that color! It is way too big for her right now but I am hoping she will fit in it by December when we go, then she can blend in with the locals. It is really cute! They also got her that little stuffed turtle, she is a lucky little girl!! Mya was happy to see grandma today after her being gone for a week, there were lots of smiles! 
On another note can you believe this cute little thing has been with us now for 8 weeks!!! I still can't believe it! I wish these pics would capture how blue her eyes are going, they are really lightening up and going a beautiful crystal clear blue color. I wonder if they will stay this way? We taught her a fun trick. I hold her on my lap and stick my tongue in and out of my mouth, she takes a few minutes to study me and then totally tries to copy with her tongue! It is SOOOOO cute! She had me once again laughing until I had tears. She really enjoys when she gets Nick and I laughing that hard. She is too smart. :) Looks like you passed that one down. 
Lots of love to you Amy

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Big girl!

Seriously there is not a color she doesn't look great in!
These are the pink pants you guys gave her, they finally fit!
Big smiles, so precious!
Don't mind my hair it's in the growing out phase and well it's just not pretty! :)
Mya in her crib

Last night Mya spent her very first night in her own bedroom in the crib! She is so good! She slept from 9:00 last night until 4:00 this morning before she wanted a bottle. Then from 4:00 - 7:00!! Holy cow what a good little girl. I on the other hand did not sleep as well. I thought I would sleep better because she makes lots of noises while sleeping. Turns out those noises have become a comfort to me since we brought her home. When I can hear her I know she is okay. But I realized last night that when she is not right next to my bed I can't hear her make all those noises and then I just sit and stress wondering if she's alright! I know crazy right? I am sure after a few nights my worries will go away and I will be able to sleep just fine again. I can't believe she is old enough to be moved to her crib. This is all going way too fast.....can we slow it down a bit!  It's a milestone for sure so I thought I would share! Our little girl is growing up!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Beautiful in blue!

I about died when I put her in this new little outfit! The blue makes her eyes look gorgeous!!! I could take pics of this little lady all day she is amazing!!! She is looking so much older to me, and just keeps getting prettier. Not sure if we told you but she is SO good at rolling from her tummy to her back. She props her ghetto booty in the air and flings herself over it makes me laugh until I have tears, then she smiles cause we make such a big deal out of it! So cute! I will see if I can video it and send it over to you. We were so excited to hear that we will get some pics of you soon!!!! YAY! I hope you find an amazing dress for the ball, make sure we get pics of that too. I am sure all the cute boys in school are after you. They better be treating you good or else....they will have to answer to me. I may be little but I can be about as feisty as you can imagine!! :)