Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mya's first blessing...and a tummy ache :(

Still smiling!
I love this little girl!
She likes laying like this when her tummy hurts :(
Look at that mad face! She gives some killer glares!
Big stretches!
Ok so I know from these pictures Mya doesn't look unhappy. Well except for the last 2. But she had just had a really hard day and night, her tummy was least that's what we think was up. She hadn't pooped for 2 days and for miss Mya that is a LONG time, ya know! ;) Anyway we felt so bad for her we gave her lots of warm baths and she liked to lay across my legs on her belly, or on the floor with her bum in the cute! Nick's sister and brother in law came down to see us that night and could tell she was having a rough day. Brandon our brother in law offered to help Nick give sweet little Mya a blessing. Brandon is one of the most amazing guys we know, he has such a strong spirit we were thankful for his help that night. Nick gave her the sweetest blessing the spirit was so strong and I knew that Mya would be comforted and that she would be okay. I am so thankful to have such a wonderful husband who can do stuff like that when needed. I think Mya felt lucky to have such a great Dad too. She slept so much better that night...still no poop but she seemed more comfortable. Have no fear the poop finally came...and of course it got all over Nick again, ah it was so funny. I had been holding her forever and I just passed her over to him and like 2 min later he was like "Tiff I think she pooped" Sure enough she had pooped. We got a good laugh and Mya got her favorite thing out of it as well a bubble bath! A happy ending to a sad story!
She would live in here if we let her!

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