Monday, September 12, 2011 fun!

Here are these cute pics I told you about from Mya's first trip to the mall! LOL and no these are not all our bags, but it made a cute picture! She is getting so big. She is not quite as chill as when you came and saw here anymore. But she is still a really good happy baby. She is going through a fussy stage right now but if my book is right that should calm down in a few weeks. I am kind of enjoying the fact that sometimes I am the only one who can calm her down :) I'm used to being the one holding the fussing baby that just wants their mom. Still can't believe I am now the momma, wow! We can't believe she is 7 weeks old, so crazy!! The time is flying! I am over half way through my maternity :(  She still fits in newborn size clothing so when I say she is getting big I guess it's not really that big! The clothes are starting to get a little tight and short but the 0-3 month stuff is still giant. She is starting to make lots of new noises and I think we will have her laughing before too long!  My family is in Hawaii right now, my little sis just sent me pics of her swollen feet and she has kankles! I bet you are glad to be done with all that fun prego stuff huh?  We're sad we didn't go but are counting the days until we go to Maui in December!!  The weather here has cooled off so much the past week the stroller walks are much more comfortable now. I love the fall so I am excited for the leaves to change and the cooler weather! Mya still enjoys being outside it's so cute! She is not sure what to think of the wind, she makes some really cute faces when it blows in her face. We have had some really cool lightening and thunder storms the past few days. We took turns yesterday each going to a part of church. It was so nice to be back it has been awhile. Lots of people coughing in sacrament so I was way glad miss Mya didn't come. I'm headed to the temple this week and I will put your name in there, hopefully it will send lots of blessings your way. We hope you are doing well with everything. We love hearing from you to know what you're up to and that you're doing well. We know you are crazy busy so thanks for making time for us. Love ya! We will give Mya lots of hugs and kisses from you!

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