Saturday, September 3, 2011

Look at this stylin chick & some ramblings!

One proud Mommy!
Shoes that Daddy picked! What a cutie!
Look at all that hair!
Shoes that Mommy picked! SO cute!!
She is all about stretching her long little body!
Ya just gotta love these boots, I have some just like them.
Just got some food in her tummy....she is one happy girl!
Her eyes look so blue in this one.
She is so long!
So sweet! (her poor little face)
 So I just had to post these pics, how cute is she! I am obsessed with boots and shoes so I am hoping I can pass that along to this little girl! I would love nothing more than for her to be my shoe shopping partner!! I told Nick to prepare himself, we need him to get a good job so we can shoe shop till we drop!! :) Mya and I are doing great, we are really, really ready for Nick to come home though. He is having fun boating but keeps telling me he misses us and is ready to come home. The water has been good for them, warm and glassy so I think he's having fun! Lucky dog I wish Mya and I were boating with them! Even though we miss Nick I have had some really fun moments with Mya this weekend. This morning I had her smiling so big and almost squealing. She is such a happy baby in the mornings I love it!  She was laying on the floor next to me just talking and kicking louder than she ever has before! Nick called and I put the phone up to her ear so he could say hi and she got the biggest open mouth smile was adorable. I think it's safe to say she misses her daddy! Today my dad babysat her for the first time for about an hour. It was so cute he had a blast. I came home and he had her asleep on his belly. He was supposed to feed her but he informed me that she didn't want any food. LOL I just laughed and fed her right away. Oh grandpa he is so cute! The other night she slept 6 1/2 hours...woo hoo!!!! She is such a good girl those long nights of sleep are becoming more frequent. Today Mya also took her first trip to the mall! We went with my sister and mom, it was so fun. I have a cute picture of her that I will post later because it is on my mom's camera.  Tonight I took her on a little walk in a sling that I have she fits in there all snug and really seems to like it! I like it because I can hold her forever without getting tired, it's great for walks. Usually from about 7-10 she is pretty fussy but tonight she has been wonderful, she is sleeping and it's just about time for her last feeding before bed. We have had a lot of fun today I must have worn her out good! We think about you all the time. I like to tell Mya when I email you and I know that she knows exactly who I am talking about. She likes hearing about ya! We will be so excited to see you in November. You know what I keep kicking myself for, I forgot to get pics of you and her when you came to see her before you left! Hello what was I thinking, next time don't let me forget. I can't even imagine how busy you are. I hope this holiday weekend you get to play a little bit. Well I was all over the place but mainly just want to let you know we are thinking of you. I keep getting too many cute pics that I have to show you. I think this blog will be a good thing! I can ramble all I want and you can read when you want...sounds perfect! Have a wonderful may hear from us again before it's over.

P.S. We also mailed you a package yesterday! They said it should get there next week sometime, watch for it! :)

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