Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Eczema...so sad!

 We found out what those crazy red cheeks are all about! She has really bad eczema. Her face looked so horrible on Monday...honestly it looked like she had been burned. I called the Dr and we took her in, they gave her some medicine and told me to start using special laundry detergent and baby wash for her. They gave me a prescription creme that we have been putting on for 2 days now and her cheeks are looking so much better. Luckily if this creme keeps working we won't have to put her on any oral medication...send some extra prayers her way. We are so glad to have her looking and feeling better! I She is also one happy girl now that her dad is home from his boating trip!
Here is Mya with her cousin Bailee! Bailee came and stayed with me Sunday night to help me out a little bit while Nick was gone. She was amazing! Mya loves her. She helped me feed,bathe, change diapers, hold and love her. It gave me a chance to rest a little too. Being a single mommy is hard work! It was also nice to have someone with me at Mya's Dr's appointment, those stress me out especially since I was so worried about her cheeks. :( 
Look at all these rolls!!
Such a sweet little face!
Mya had a major poopy diaper blowout! It was everywhere....yuck! We had to rush her to the sink and hose her off! Of course she loved it! Sometimes I think she might do that just so she can have an extra bath! Cute little pooper!! Bailee and I laughed our heads off while trying to clean her up! She makes life very interesting and funny!

BTW- She weighs 9.9 lbs!!! Holy moly no wonder why my arms hurt after holding her now!

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