Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Happy day!!!!

Doesn't she look so cute!
Life is so hard when you're this beautiful!
Look at her wild morning hair!
These last two pics are from this morning. I woke up about 6:30 and just kept waiting to hear her cry to let me know she was up and ready for the day. About 7:15 I got up because I was nervous that she hadn't made any noise yet. I went in her room and there she was just looking around and talking to herself having a great time! It was so cute I had to pull out the camera! She had wiggled herself right out of her pj's and was just chillin with the blanket wrapped around her bottom half! As soon as she saw me she started smiling and talking louder! Nick and I thought it was the cutest funniest thing ever! She is such a good baby!!!! What a great way to start the day walking in and looking at her smiling little face. :)

P.S - Isn't the Halloween background awesome! 

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