Thursday, September 1, 2011

Our walks...

She loves to snooze in the stroller
These are my favorite pj's Mya has! She looks so cute!
We stopped by my sister's salon and she took our picture. She love's her Aunt Brittney!
One of the first things Mya and I do in the mornings in go for a walk. I will just say I really can't wait for the weather to cool off a bit even when we go at like 8:00 in the morning it is still pretty nasty hot! Being out in the fresh air first thing in the morning has been really good for the both of us. She loves looking around at everything and I put my i pod in the stroller so she can listen to music while we go. We have been rocking Bob Marley a lot, but she loves anything! It makes me feel good to be doing some sort of exercise since I have not been back to the gym or running at all. I don't know what has happened but I have the biggest blisters on the backs of my heels. They were killing on our walk yesterday but I just kept telling myself "come on Tiff buck up and keep going" Yeah I should take a picture they are HUGE, biggest blisters I have seen. So looks like until they heal our walks are on hold. I will be so sad in mid October when I have to go back to work. I told Nick he has to continue the tradition morning walk tradition. We'll see he is not a morning person, but I am thinking Mya will help him become one whether he likes it or not! :) She loves being outside so this has been really fun!

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