Monday, September 26, 2011

Look how much she has grown!

 I can't even believe how much she has grown! I had so many memories flood back when I put this dress on her. I'll be honest it made me cry! She looks so beautiful in it and I went right back to that day when we picked her up from the hospital, so tiny and new! We were amazed when we saw her. She was so pretty and it is crazy she just keeps getting prettier every day! Oh we love this little girl so much there are absolutely so words! She is the light of our lives. Funny thing I actually couldn't keep this dress on longer than for pictures because her arms are so chunky and the sleeves are too tight so it felt like it was cutting off her circulation. I am going to have my mom try and fix the sleeves so she can wear it again. This is a very special dress and it makes me smile so big to look at her in it. It reminds us of you and what you have done for us. THANK YOU sweetie, we sure love ya! 

2 month Dr visit...
Mya went to the Dr today. Oh my goodness it was a sad visit she had to get those darn shots! I almost felt like punching the nurse....(don't worry I didn't, I know it's not her fault!) Next shot visit is all Dad's, that sucked!!!!!!! On a good note the Dr says she looks great and healthy! We are going to give her a nice warm bath tonight and massage her legs cause the Dr said they will be sore from the shots :( She was the bomb though she only cried for a minute and then passed out asleep. Sweet little thing!
Stats at 2 months 
Weight: 10 lbs 12 oz (46 percentile)
Height: 22 inches (32 percentile)
Head Size: 40.1 cm (80 percentile)
Trying to make her little legs feel better in the warm bath
Those band aids are where she got her shots :(

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