Thursday, September 1, 2011


Still loves the swing!
Sweet baby girl!
One of my most favorite pics!
Look at that chubby face!!
Chillin with Dad!
Nick thinks this looks like she is ready to throw a punch!
LOL she was done with picture time!
September already can you even believe it! Mya will be 6 weeks old on Sunday! There are so many cute pics we take of her everyday. These are some of our favorites. Nick just started class this week and tonight he is headed to St. George for a boys boating trip. I am so sad he is leaving. Hopefully Mya and I will survive. :) He has been so busy I'm glad he gets a little break. So pretty much Mya and I are having a girls party all weekend! Woo hoo! Wish you were here to play with us! We just finished the Ugly Betty looks like we will have to find something new to watch! I have had fun doing this blog so far so I'll keep updating it. I wish the pics were better at showing her hair. It is getting so long and it is so stinking cute. Her eyes seem to be getting bluer, they are a dark blue but still blue! Who would have thought! She has graduated from newborn diapers to size one. Her newborn stuff is starting to get kind of tight and almost not long enough. She is growing like a little weed! She smiles a whole lot now and is really trying to tell us things. She is still excellent at rolling from her belly to her back and she still loves more than anything to sleep on her side. We try reading to her sometimes she likes it and other times she just gets mad! It's funny! She has some really bad baby acne right now, I feel so bad for her. Her poor little cheeks are bright red and lumpy it looks like they would hurt. We are hoping it goes away soon...poor baby! I can't wait to go to the Dr at the end of this month and see how much she weighs. She feels heavier and she is getting longer too. She has a little bit of a belly and a double chin but other than that she is still just a skinny little baby. She really loves people. When we are around family she wants nothing to do with sleep she just wants to look and smile. Everyone is so in love with her, She brings lots of smiles. We have her on a really good schedule during the day and she is sleeping anywhere from 3-6 hours a night. Pretty great! She is still eating like a champ! I don't know if I told you but one of my really good friends had a baby about 2 months before Mya and she was pumping tons of extra breast milk. So we talked to Mya's pediatrician and he said it would be great for her to eat that. She has been on that since she was about a week old and she LOVES it. Hopefully it is doing great things for her. Anyway she is a good baby! We love her more and more everyday that we get to spend with her. We send lots of love your way and I will give Mya extra hugs and kisses from you! We can't wait for pics from you!! Love ya tons!! Good luck with school, I bet you are busy as ever.

With love, 
Tiff, Nick & Mya

I made these little frames for Mya's two youngest cousins. They both have a slight obsession with her and I thought it would be cute for them to have their own special picture of Mya. They were a hit! My little niece Paislee who is one and a half carries it everywhere with her and likes to show everyone Mya...she doesn't call her Myna anymore! I could tell Sami felt special when I gave it to her too. I have worried that she will be jealous since she is not getting as much of our attention so we try to do little things to make her still feel special! She had just helped Nick's mom go and get Mya some toys for "grandma's" house when we visit and she is excited to share her toys too. Oh man this little girl has so many people who just love her to death. What an amazing thing you have done for our family!

BTW- We just got her some really cute swim suits for Hawaii in December, I will post pics next time!

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