Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Daddy's girl for sure!

Wow I love this little girl! The best part of my day is when I come home from school or work and Mya gives me a big smile! It has been so hard to go back to work! I have a picture of Mya on my computer desktop at work and I waste most of my day just staring at it, I probably read this blog more than you do because I miss my little girl all day. I can't wait until I get to be home with her all the time, although I'm sad for Tiff because I know how hard it is. Last night Mya fell asleep in my arms, which is the first time she has done that since she was brand new (I guess I'm not comfortable). I didn't want to move because she was so cute. She kept smiling so big in her sleep, adorable! It is really weird because when Mya is sleeping she won't wake up if she hears Tiff, but every time I talk she wakes up. It makes me feel good, but it is also bad because Tiff gets mad at me for waking her up. Thank you so much Amy for what you have done for us. I don't remember what life was like without Mya, and I don't want to!

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