Saturday, September 17, 2011

Big girl!

Seriously there is not a color she doesn't look great in!
These are the pink pants you guys gave her, they finally fit!
Big smiles, so precious!
Don't mind my hair it's in the growing out phase and well it's just not pretty! :)
Mya in her crib

Last night Mya spent her very first night in her own bedroom in the crib! She is so good! She slept from 9:00 last night until 4:00 this morning before she wanted a bottle. Then from 4:00 - 7:00!! Holy cow what a good little girl. I on the other hand did not sleep as well. I thought I would sleep better because she makes lots of noises while sleeping. Turns out those noises have become a comfort to me since we brought her home. When I can hear her I know she is okay. But I realized last night that when she is not right next to my bed I can't hear her make all those noises and then I just sit and stress wondering if she's alright! I know crazy right? I am sure after a few nights my worries will go away and I will be able to sleep just fine again. I can't believe she is old enough to be moved to her crib. This is all going way too fast.....can we slow it down a bit!  It's a milestone for sure so I thought I would share! Our little girl is growing up!

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