Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Joseph Smith

We have this Joseph Smith picture in our house. It is a pretty big painting hanging in our living room. I remember when I saw this painting in an art gallery, I fell in love with it! I have never owned an original painting but this one I just had to have. I have always had a special love for Joseph Smith...I think he is so amazing and inspiring, can;t wait to meet him someday. It is so funny Mya LOVES this picture. She just stares and smiles and tries to talk to it. If I turn her away from it she tries to turn her head and follow it. I think she shares my same love for this amazing prophet. It is very sweet and makes us smile every time she starts cooing over it. We are going to get her a little picture to put in her room. We can tell already that Mya has a strong spirit. She is a very special daughter of God. We know she will do some great work here.

I am a child of God

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