Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lots of cute pics!

She thinks we are pretty funny sometimes!
Smiling and trying to do her tongue trick with Daddy!
Paislee cannot get enough of Mya.
Beautiful blue eyed girl!
Oh look at Daddy getting in to help scrub little cute!
Still LOVES the tub!
Helping mommy with laundry! Best laundry day ever!!!
Mya & Grover. I used to have a Grover when I was little that I took everywhere!
Just lounging looking pretty!
Doesn't she look so cute!!!!
She loves to sleep just like me!! :)
Our friend just brought this over today...the picture doesn't do it justice. It is so cute and soft!
Okay I know that was like a million pics but I had to include them all! I was pretty sure you wouldn't mind;) We had another big moment the other night. Mya has been consistently sleeping for 6 hours at night for over a week. The other night she really kicked some booty and slept 7 1/2 hours!!!!!!!!!! We were so proud of her. It is so fun that she is being a good sleeper, it makes her such a happy baby! We think it won't be too long before she is sleeping 8 hours a night.....oh my gosh! Not only that but she is also still sleeping in her bedroom in the crib. She is a pro!  

I am almost done with her room and then I can send some pics. All I need to do is finish painting the shelf that my Mom made for her. We just bought her a picture of the temple and Joseph Smith to put in there too. She loves being in her room, it is sweet. 

 She has been joining in for family scriptures and prayers every night...well ya know as much as she can. It's usually about her feeding time so she likes to burp a lot while Nick is reading and it makes me laugh! She makes everything more fun!

She will have her 2 month doctors appointment on Monday. I am excited to see how much she weighs. She has been drooling like crazy and eating her fists.....she can't be teething yet right?  I am gonna ask him about that too. Her face looks awesome no more red bumps and cracked skin from eczema. We have been really careful what we expose her skin too since that whole problem arose. This appointment she has to get shots...oh no I wish Nick could come with me! :( 

Well once again sweetie we miss you! Thanksgiving will be here before we know it and I can't wait for you to see Mya. You might want to try and smuggle her back to school with you, she is that cute! :) We are thinking about you and I will give some extra kisses to Mya today from you. 


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