Thursday, September 1, 2011

First time at church

I had to hold her hand to keep her from falling. She likes to wiggle!
How cute is that!
She is starting to fill the car seat better....she is growing too fast!
Nick's sister made her these little shoes they are so cute and she finally fits in them!
We have not taken her to church yet because the Doctor said to wait about 6-8 weeks. But we had to make an exception because one of our good friends just got home from Seattle and we had to see him! We braved it and took Mya to church. She looked so cute in her little dress it was so fun to dress her all up! She was so good during sacrament she kept smiling, I think she could see angels! It was really fun to have her there. I kept looking at her and our car seat in amazement thinking holy cow we have a baby! It may sound stupid but I have been seriously daydreaming about that moment for lots of years! I can't believe she is here......YAY!!!!!!!! Sometimes and when I say sometimes I mean ALL the time I want  to stand on the roof with a mega phone and tell the world we have a baby! Yay I am a Mommy! I know I'm a freak! Thanks for letting me be crazy without judgement! We love her and can't wait for a few more weeks when we can take her back every week, I know she will love it. Then maybe Nick will stop getting all the kids around us in trouble because we have our own now. Yeah fat chance but a girl can dream right! We had so much fun. Our friend Tyler kept telling us how often he prayed for us in the mission field to have this very blessing. We seriously have the coolest friends and family! Can I also just say thanks to you again Amy! Mya is better than we could have ever expected. We are totally living a dream.....THANK YOU!! Love ya!

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